Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It is the place where you relax, sleep, get ready for the day, and enjoy “intimate” time (either solo or with a partner).
It’s also a wonderful place for practicing magic!
Spells, rituals, enchantments, and other forms of magic can be used in the bedroom create a relaxed environment, to help you fall asleep faster and more easily, to ward off nightmares, to encourage lucid or prophetic dreaming, and to boost romance, intimacy, and passion.
Like all spells and rituals, these bedroom magic ideas can be personalized to meet your needs and desires.
Sleep & Dream Magic
✧ Make a sleep spell sachet or spell jar with ingredients like lavender, rose petals, mugwort, chamomile, rosemary, amethyst, clear quartz, and smoky quartz. Place it under your pillow or on your nightstand for deep, uninterrupted sleep.
✧ Make an enchanted sheet spray (using the same ingredients listed above, and/or your preferred soothing fragrances) for a restful sleep or for sweet dreams.
✧ Draw an invisible sigil on your headboard (or the wall above your bed) using oil or moon water. This sigil should be designed by you and charged with your specific intention.
✧ Enchant the doorway of your bedroom to clear away all stress and bestow a state of relaxation when you step through it.
✧ Make a bedtime tea or tincture and sip it as part of a nightly ritual to prepare for sleep.
Romance & Intimacy Magic
✧ Create a romance altar on your nightstand with roses, pink candles, rose quartz, rhodonite, carnelian, and other symbols of love and passion. Consider using pairs of items to symbolize partnership.
✧ Loving mirror magic: Undress in front of your bedroom mirror and gaze upon your reflection, speaking out loud positive affirmations for body image, self love, romantic love, pleasure, and intimacy.
✧ Perform an intimacy candle spell by charging a red or pink candle with your intention (such as increasing pleasure or connecting deeply with your partner) and lighting it before having sex.
✧ Perform sex magic (either solo or with a partner) by visualizing your intention as your pleasure builds, then sending it out into the universe with the power of your orgasm.
Do you practice bedroom magic? Consider ways to adapt these spells and rituals to enchant your bedroom.
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