Magical friends, I am beyond humbled, honored, and just plain excited to finally share a big secret that I have been keeping since June 2021: I have written a book!!!
Heal the Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power is releasing on April 1, 2023 with Weiser Books, and is available to preorder now.
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If you have been following me on social media or engaging with my work for a while, then you likely already know that working to heal my witch wound has been a big part of my journey as a witch and pagan.
As much as witchcraft has become more widely practiced in recent years, perhaps even falling into the category of a “trend,” for many of us it still feels like something that has to remain hidden.
The fear of social rejection runs deep — all the way back to the Burning Times, when suspected practitioners of magic were not merely rejected, but actively persecuted: exiled, imprisoned, tortured, killed.
The witch wound is a collective, intergenerational, psychic wound that is rooted in this dark era of history. But more than that, it lives on in the collective unconscious and is maintained through the forces of patriarchy, misogyny, capitalism, imperialism, ableism, and white supremacy.
Just as the witch wound itself is complex and multifaceted, so is the healing medicine offered in this book.
Heal the Witch Wound weaves ancestral healing, somatic practices, earth wisdom, animistic belief, and radical self acceptance to offer rituals, spells, journal prompts, and other tools to aid in the work of healing the witch wound.
It is in some aspects a deeply personal work, where I share stories from my own journey: fears, insecurities, losses, insights, healing moments.
And yet it is simultaneously a book written for everyone who walks this path: witches, pagans, occultists, energy workers, healers, practitioners of earth-based spirituality, and those who aren’t quite sure how to label their beliefs — of all genders, ages, nationalities, and backgrounds.
I think all that any author truly hopes for is that their words mean something to their readers, and that is my sincere hope, too.
I have poured my heart, my energy, my magic, and my truth into this book, and I hope you find within its pages something that matters: a deeper understanding, a sense of connection, a feeling of empowerment, a glimmer of hope.
Thank you, and brightest blessings,
Celeste Larsen
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