Do you feel called to the old ways? You are not alone; there are so very many of us who feel that same magnetic pull towards the ancestral ways of connecting with the Earth, with the gods, with the spirits, with each other.
Why? What is the origin of this wave of interest in Earth-based spirituality, paganism, and magic?
It is because these things are our birthrights; they are sacred gifts that belong to each one of us, that have always belonged to us.
For tens of thousands of years, our ancient ancestors lived in harmony with the Earth. They observed and commemorated her cycles, structured their lives around her own.
They watched the stars, grew and hunted their own food, lived in close-knit communities and depended upon one another, made all that they owned with their own hands, celebrated rites of passage, gathered around sacred fires, held rituals by the light of the moon.
And in everything that they did, they kept Spirit close to them.
I am careful not to romanticize the ancient past too much; life was harder and less equal in those days, and I don’t write about them because I wish to return to them.
Still, we all carry the memories of these ancestral ways of living in our collective unconscious, and at some level we mourn the loss of them — the loss of that deep connection to Earth, to the gods, to the spirits, to each other.
There is so much we do not know, can not know, will never know for certain about how our ancient ancestors worshipped, held rituals, and practiced magic.
And that is okay, because modern-day paganism is not about perfectly recreating the old ways — it is about creating our own ways of living in connection and right relationship with all beings.
Whether or not they are “authentic” to the past is unimportant.
What matters is that they are ours.
Yes indeed I fee called to old ways, but really don’t know how to start or were to start…
Trying to learn more about Wicca but still many questions….