Do you feel called to practice magic everyday, but don’t have the time, energy, or resources to conduct lengthy rituals on a daily basis? You are not alone! While I go through phases where I perform rituals frequently, I also go through (usually longer) phases where I won’t practice any complex magic at all.
So, how do you stay tuned into your inner power and witchy nature if you aren’t using magic everyday? Believe it or not, everything we do can be infused with magic! Yes, it’s entirely possible to make room for magic in your daily routines – even the most mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking, or getting dressed can become magical acts with the right intentions.
In fact, I actually feel like my MOST magical and authentic self when I’m practicing simple daily magic. After all, tools like candles, crystals, and cauldrons are ultimately just that – tools. The real magic comes from your inner power, and that’s something you can tap into anytime, anywhere.
No matter the season or moon phase, there are plenty of ways to practice magic everyday. Here are 10 of my favorite daily activities:
1. Ground yourself.
Grounding is the process of connecting with the energy of the earth to help you feel more present, calm, and steady. I love starting my morning with a grounding ritual! If you’re feeling anxious, spacey, or your mind is running at a million miles per hour, it could be your body’s way of telling you that you need to become more grounded.
Here is my go-to grounding method. I prefer to complete this visualization outdoors when possible, but indoors is fine too:
- Remove your socks and shoes. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and stand up tall, with your spine straight and lengthened from your tailbone to the top of your head.
- Take a few slow, deep breaths in and out to calm your nervous system and ease into a relaxed state.
- When you feel ready to proceed, imagine the soles of your feet buzzing and tingling with life energy. See that energy stretching out from your feet like roots, down into the earth.
- Picture your energetic roots breaking through the ground or floor, the soil, the bedrock, and each subsequent layer of the earth, deeper and deeper until you reach the planet’s core.
- Imagine your roots connecting with or plugging into the earth’s core. Feel pure earth energy running up your roots into your feet, filling your entire body with a sense of calm and quiet strength.
- Hold this visualization for as long as you desire, and perhaps repeat grounding a mantra such as “I am strong” or “I am safe.” Continue to breathe deeply.
- When you are ready to end the visualization, imagine your roots disconnecting from the earth and receding back up into the soles of your feet. How do you feel?
You can also ground yourself and connect to the earth’s energy by walking barefoot outside. I like to walk around a beautiful old oak tree in my backyard while feeling the soles of my feet on the soil.
2. Draw a tarot or oracle card every morning.
We could also use a little more divine wisdom in our lives! I keep my oracle deck in my nightstand, so I can access it without even getting out of bed.
Each morning I ask my ancestors and spirit guides to share guidance or insights with me by helping me pull a card – whatever I need to hear to help me get through my day.
You can also rely on your own intuition or inner voice to choose a card each morning. Keep this wisdom in the back of your mind as you go about your day – you might be surprised to find that it helps you make a decision, notice a sign from the universe, or navigate a challenging situation with grace.
3. Light a candle.
Candle magic is incredibly powerful. But you don’t need to conduct a full candle ritual to take advantage of this fiery magic.
Here’s an idea for simple candle magic you can do everyday: think of an intention you would like to manifest, and hold that intention in your mind as you light a candle. State that your intention will be sent out into the universe as the candle burns…and voila, that’s it!
Candle magic is also wonderful for releasing negativity. Hold the candle tightly in your palms while you visualize the negative emotion or situation you want to release. Feel whatever comes up. Then, imagine that negativity leaving your body via your palms, and being transferred into the candle.
Light the candle and ask the element of fire to cleanse, purify, and return that negativity to the universe as raw energy. As the candle burns away, so will your ties to that negative energy.
4. Energetically cleanse yourself during your shower.
Water is an incredibly cleansing element, both in the literal and figurative sense. Showering is an easy opportunity to practice some simple daily magic by calling upon the element of water to cleanse your heart, mind, and energetic body.
As you wash yourself, imagine any negativity being rinsed away and flushed down the drain. Feel yourself becoming lighter as you let the water run over every inch of your body.
A few times per week I will also use a salt scrub all over my body (salt symbolizes the earth element) to add an extra layer of cleansing and protection.
5. Honor your deities.
Just like with any relationship, our connection to our gods and goddesses become deeper and stronger the more we tend to them. At some point during your day, pay a visit to your altar and spend a moment in silence. Send respect, love, and honor to your deities, or simply say hello and speak to them if that feels more natural.
You could also leave an offering if that is a part of your spiritual practice. For example, light a tea light candle, say a prayer or devotional using prayer beads, or place a serving of food or beverage on your altar. Expressing gratitude and saying “thank you” can serve as an offering as well.
By honoring our deities regularly we can hope to receive their blessings and protection, which can enhance our magical workings.
6. Set an intention while stirring your coffee or tea.
Many of us like to begin our morning with a cup of energizing coffee or tea. One easy way to practice magic is by whispering a simple intention as you stir your beverage. Your intention could be anything you want to manifest, but here are some ideas:
- I am guided and protected by the universe.
- I am abundant in love and compassion for myself and others.
- I have the energy to complete everything on my to-do list.
- I see the divine in myself and others.
- I am open to success and abundance.
Stir your beverage clockwise as you state or visualize this intention. The more you feel the truth of your intention, the stronger it will become.
If you want to release something instead (for example, “I release everything that weighs me down instead of lifting me up”) stir your coffee or tea counterclockwise instead.
7. Wear a crystal.
Many witches use crystals as a tool for amplifying their magic. Every crystal is associated with certain metaphysical properties, but your crystals can also be charged with your own unique intentions. Wearing or carrying your crystals is an incredibly easy way to harness their power and bring it into your daily life.
Everyday, I wear a simple necklace with a small black obsidian stone, which I have enchanted with the intention of protection and shielding.
Sometime I’ll also tuck a small tumble-stone or palm-stone into my bra or pocket to carry those energies with me throughout the day. If I want to work with a larger crystal, I might place it near my workstation and pick it up occasionally.
8. Check the moon phase.
Humans have long had a connection to the moon. For thousands of years, our ancestors used the moon phase to guide both spiritual and practical activities, including farming, fishing, hunting, and building.
Tune into the rhythms and cycles of nature by noticing the current phase of the moon each day. You can do this by stepping outside and gazing up at the night sky, or by downloading a moon phase app on your phone.
Knowing the current moon phase can also help you charge your spells and rituals with more power by taking into account the symbolism of each phase:
- New Moon: New beginnings; rest; recharging; intention setting; manifesting
- Waxing Crescent / First Quarter / Waxing Gibbous: Intention setting; manifesting; growth; action; progress
- Full Moon: Celebration; gratitude; power; energy; emotions; completion; release
- Waning Gibbous / Last Quarter / Waxing Crescent: Release; letting go; forgiveness; cleansing
9. Use magical herbs in your cooking.
A kitchen witch is someone who centers their magical practices around the home and hearth. What better way to embrace your inner kitchen witch than by infusing your home-cooked meals with magic? Nearly every herb on the planet has specific magical correspondences, and can be used to help you manifest intentions. For example:
- Basil: Financial success; love; happiness
- Bay Leaf: Banishing; luck; empowerment
- Cinnamon: Wealth; love; energy
- Mint: Cleansing; purification; positivity
- Parsley: Protection; calm; strength
You can bless your food with these and other herbs every night of the week by focusing on a specific intention as you add them to your cooking.
10. Clean and cleanse your space.
“As above, so below” is a phrase used by philosophers, astrologers, and witches to explain that what happens on one level of reality also happens on other levels – even the levels we can’t physically see.
Cleaning is the perfect balance of “magic” and “mundane.” Have you ever noticed that the energy of your home just feels better after you’ve cleaned it?
The next time you are completing simple chores like sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, or wiping counters, imagine that any stagnant or negative energy is being stirred up and cleaned away too. You can also cleanse your home energetically with smoke (from dried sage, palo santo, or other herbs) or with sound.
Where to buy the oracle cards?
I saw some in the internet, but do’t know exactly what I need….
Thanks and gratitude for your answers…
You can buy oracle cards in most new age/metaphysical shops…or Amazon.
I looked forever for the right deck and chose one which I resonated with! I am a practising Witch so I chose the Year of the Witch Oracle cards as the illustrations are beautiful and the wording really resonates with me. But take your time to choose one! Good luck!