Is Donald Trump a lightworker? This is a question I never would have guessed I—or any other individual on this planet, much less within the spiritual community—would be faced with. Alas, here we are.
No, my friends, Donald Trump is not a lightworker. In fact, he is perhaps the furthest possible thing from a lightworker.
Donald Trump is ego.
Donald Trump is greed.
Donald Trump is fear.
Donald Trump is division.
Donald Trump is deception.
And on that note, so are the QAnon conspiracy theories that unfortunately run rampant in the online spiritual community.
The idea that COVID-19 is some great conspiracy orchestrated by scientists, the government, and the media is pure fear.
The idea that Hollywood and the Democratic Party are both filled with pedophiles and sexual predators is pure fear.
And those fears breed divisiveness, hostility, close-mindedness, and eventually hate—not for those who are “asleep,” evil, or part of some great conspiracy, but for those who simply hold different beliefs.
Hate built on fear built on lies.
Friends, I know that you believe your minds are open. I know that you believe you are awakened, while the rest of us are still asleep. I know that you believe you have uncovered a great truth that the rest of us are still blind to.
If that is the case, and if you are truly confident in your awakened state, I ask you to please be open-minded to the words I am about to share.
Lightworkers, I believe that Donald Trump is exactly what you were sent here to conquer and defeat.
He is greed, selfishness, fear, deceit, and corruption incarnate. He represents the deep sickness of this planet that is begging to be healed.
Not convinced? Ask yourself, within the truth of your own heart and soul, what feelings have led you to your belief in these conspiracies and your faith in Donald Trump?
Mistrust of the government, the media, and science? Fear for your physical, mental, and spiritual safety? Panic? Distress?
Lightworkers, none of that aligns with what you are here to do.
Lightworkers, you are here to spread your light, not your darkness. You are here to spread your unconditional love, empathy, kindness, healing, acceptance, inner peace, and truth—not to spread mistrust, fear, and division.
In fact, I believe that his influence may be something of a final test for lightworkers. Can you overcome the aura of mistrust, fear, and division that surrounds him and QAanon conspiracy theories? Can you avoid being sucked into his distractions from your true path?
What Is a Lightworker?
First, what exactly is a lightworker? Some of you reading this may not be entirely sure, while others have been studying the lightworker path for years. In any case, let’s first agree on what it means to be a lightworker. Here are a few definitions from around the internet:
- “A Lightworker is someone who dedicates their life to channeling universal energy and wisdom for the highest good of all beings.” [Source]
- “The most common definition of a lightworker is someone who has an enormous draw to help others. Extreme empathy and compassion tend to be present from earliest childhood onwards…” [Source]
- “The simplest way to describe lightworkers would be as beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others.” [Source]
No matter which definition is used, it’s clear that lightworkers are individuals who are driven by the purpose of helping others. They tend to be empathetic, gentle, sensitive, intuitive, nurturing, and kind-hearted souls who experience immense grief and anxiety in the face of injustice and suffering.
Some lightworkers serve as spiritual guides, sharing their understanding of Source energy with others. Many other lightworkers act as healers, psychics, artists, or activists. No matter their individual mission, lightworkers are driven by a common goal of helping others connect with Source energy and live more loving, joyful, and peaceful lives.
Possible lightworkers throughout human history include Gautama Buddha, Mother Terera, Ram Dass, the Dalai Lama, and most famously, Jesus Christ.
Could Donald Trump be one of these famous lightworkers? Let’s consider the evidence of his character in his own words and actions (all verifiable, please feel free to fact check).
Donald Trump Quotes: His Character, His Words
“Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest – and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.” May 9, 2013
Ego, ego, ego…while putting others down and attempting to make them feel bad in the same breath.
“If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” – Twitter, April 16, 2015
This Tweet indicates jealousy, bitterness, and anger…not exactly the character traits lightworkers are known for. What about compassion, empathy, and kindness? Would a man with those traits really say these words? Also, is he really blaming Hillary Clinton for her husband’s infidelity?
“They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” – [On immigration] Campaign launch rally, June 15, 2015
Incredibly judgmental, not to mention ignorant and false. Implying that some Mexican immigrants are good people, while the majority are rapists, criminals, and drug lords?
“While @BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct.” – Twitter, October 28, 2012
Judging someone for their physical appearance? Doesn’t sound like a spiritual healer to me.
“Show me someone with no ego and I’ll show you a big loser.” – Trump: How To Get Rich, 2004
Ah yes, lightworkers are known for their big egos and calling others losers. That’s what ascension is all about, right…? Right?
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” – Campaign rally in Iowa, January 23, 2016
From Donald Trump’s own mouth: he believes his followers are so blindly loyal, they would look beyond physical violence in order to keep supporting him.
“[Kim Jong-Un] speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” – Fox & Friends, June 15, 2018
And again, Donald Trump craves authority and complete control. He wants people to follow him without question. He wants…sheeple?
“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.” – [On the presidency] Reuters, August 28, 2017
You heard it here: Donald Trump doesn’t like doing the work. He prefers the easy way…which flies in the face of the lightworker mission.
“I would bet if you took a poll in the FBI I would win that poll by more than anybody’s won a poll.” – [On the FBI] Fox & Friends, June 15, 2018
Donald Trump bragging about his popularity within the FBI. But, isn’t he supposed to be the enemy of government organizations like the FBI?
“They are dying. That’s true. And you — it is what it is.” – [On 1,000 COVID-19 deaths per day] Axios, August 3, 2020
A wonderful display of compassion for the value of human life and the tragedy of human suffering, don’t you think?
“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.” – Twitter, November 6, 2012
The denial of climate change by corporations is perhaps the biggest conspiracy of all time. Manufacturing waste and consumption of our natural resources equates to rape and abuse of planet Earth…and Trump is writing off climate change as a lie made up by the Chinese? What about all of the American scientists who have led research on global warming? Why is this one conspiracy that QAnon turns its back on?
“I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.” – Playboy, March 1990
…This quote really says it all, doesn’t it? Trump doesn’t believe gentleness or kindness are desirable traits.
The Takeaways: Donald Trump Is NOT a Lightworker
Having considered the evidence (the evidence being words from Trump’s own mouth…or in some cases, his Twitter feed), we can conclude that Donald Trump:
- Not only takes pride in his big ego, but believes that those without big egos are “losers.”
- Is comfortable making hateful and judgmental remarks towards women and minorities.
- Does not believe that climate change, a well-researched and non-partisan issue, is a threat to Earth.
- Desires to build a following of people who will not question his words or actions due to their undying loyalty.
Still not convinced?
Donald Trump tried to ban TikTok = censorship.
Donald Trump refused to release his tax returns = lies and coverups.
Donald Trump has been accused of rape and/or sexual misconduct by 26 different women = sexual perversion.
Oh yes, and Donald Trump—a celebrity who has appeared in several films and television shows and also managed the Miss Universe pageant, the largest pageant in the world owned by Endeavor Group Holdings, based in Beverly Hills, CA—made the following statement about his daughter Ivanka when she was 16 years old: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”
…so, what was that about Trump fighting pedophiliac celebrities in Hollywood?
What’s more, have you ever heard Trump speak about lightwork? About Source energy, unconditional love, spiritual healing? Have you heard even one of those phrases leave his mouth…ever?
Donald Trump is a Distraction from Spiritual Ascension
Lightworkers, you are here on this planet for a reason.
You are here to heal, to share wisdom, to help people awaken to the reality of their eternal souls and of Source energy.
You are here to spread love, joy, hope, truth, and yes, light.
Donald Trump is a distraction from that mission. He is a false prophet.
I would like to ask you, which reaction in the following scenarios is more representative of love and light?
- Wearing a mask for the physical safety and health of other humans (remember, 250,000 Americans and 1.3 million individuals around the globe have died from COVID), or protesting mask-wearing out of fear of the government?
- Taking steps to reduce the impact of climate change because it is clear that Mother Earth is sick and suffering, or voting for a man who won’t acknowledge climate change as a real threat?
- Treating BIPOC, LGBTQ, and disabled individuals with compassion, grace, and basic respect, or making them feel “less than” for simply being their authentic selves?
It is not my aim to make anyone feel stupid, foolish, or alienated for having faith in Donald Trump. These are dark times, and we are all coping and seeking comfort in our own ways.
He said it in his own words, multiple times on multiple occasions: it was his goal to build a blindly loyal following.
Do not feel bad about being sucked into his web of deceit; it doesn’t mean that you have failed as a lightworker. It does mean you have veered off track from your true mission, and it’s no wonder that you feel afraid and mistrusting in your current state.
I’m sorry this has happened to you—but it’s not too late to come back to the light.
There are real conspiracies and real evil that need to be addressed and tackled.
The destruction of our planet and its natural resources in the name of capitalism. Injustice and inequality for those among us who are suffering and who have been wronged by those in power. Racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia.
My message to those in the spiritual community who believe that Donald Trump is a lightworker, or some other “savior” of the Earth’s population:
Be skeptical, especially if you spend a lot of time in conspiracy theory echo chambers.
Fact-check everything. University websites are a great non-partisan resource.
Really consider the proven, verifiable facts, and weigh them against unverified information from social media.
And if a conspiracy theory can be summed up in a single meme, know that it is almost certainly complete bullshit with no solid foundation.
I will leave you this with this final thought: What would happen if you shifted from a mindset of fear to a mindset of love?
What would happen if you set aside your mistrust of COVID-19 and the government and the media, and instead spent more energy on sending unconditional love to your friends, family, and even neighbors?
What would happen if you stepped away from the online world, and spent more time volunteering in your local community—feeding the hungry and homeless, caring for those who are suffering and struggling financially?
Would that not be more healing for this planet and its people, more aligned with the lightworker mission?
thank you! i wish this would get more widespread attention!
Thank you so much for writing this. I wholeheartedly agree: Trump is the opposite of a lightworker, as are the Qanon brigade. My friend, who looked at the 4chan and 8chan forums said they were a morass of misogyny, anti-semitism, racism, and every form of hatred you could name. They are doing the exact opposite of light work.
Thank you. I thought I was the only one who could see through this charade. He is nothing more than a catalyst of change. One we desperately need.
So many of my beautiful friends have embraced the QAnon movement that I sometimes feel I am Alice in a crazy Wonderland! Thanks so much for having the courage to write this factual and enlightening piece, Celeste. It is TRUTH.
I commend you for your attempt to expose the Q psyop for what it is but sadly, you have also succumbed to the covid scam and are happy to encourage people to wear a mask which then removes their sovereignty and marks them as a wiling slave to the Globalists?
I do hope you are not also promoting their bioweapon disguised as some miracle “vaccine” because it seems you could be labelling this as a “conspiracy theory”. I suggest YOU are the one who needs wake up more!
I can tell you right here and now, the mainstream and so-called trusted leaders are far from the “one source of truth”. While they push Sudden Adult Deaths as normal and even due to their bs climate issues, the real reason being that they are Sudden Cardiac Deaths is due to their bioweapon.
As millions of humans around me drop like flies, the leaders, mainstream and their sheep will continue to say “its not the vaccine”. Now, wait for it…I will be labelled an “anti vaxer” and mocked and disbarred from society! Thats what they do to those who expose the TRUTH but its ok, go save Grandma and get your booster .. meanwhile the family mourns the loss of their Grandma who Died Suddenly of heart failure as their crazy black sheep of the family stand on the side-lines … banned to attend because they are “unvaccinated” and therefor a risk to society.
As jordan maxwell quoted by a Freemason … “If your stupid enough to be fooled, then you are a fool”…they are laughing at us as we are all dropping like flies.
The NWO is in your is DAVOS who are right now holding an annual meeting. They now have free reign over global law and control. They have leaders in place pushing their new authoritarian law and order through parliaments.
Your sovereignty can’t be taken away by a surgical mask. lmao.