Prayer beads are a wonderful way to enhance your spiritual practice and connect with the divine energies of the universe. Keep reading to learn how to use pagan prayer beads to honor deities, deepen your meditative practice, celebrate pagan holidays, and more.
1. Recite a prayer or mantra
Reciting a prayer or mantra is the most common and straightforward way to use your pagan prayer beads. Traditionally, you would recite one repetition of a prayer or mantra per bead, using the strand to help you keep track of how many repetitions you have already completed while allowing your mind to stay completely focused on the prayer itself. Short prayers or mantras tend to work best for this practice.
Another way to use pagan prayer beads is by reciting one line of a longer prayer, poem, or dedication per bead. When you touch the first bead, say the first line of the prayer; then move onto the second bead and recite the second line of the prayer; and so on.
2. Deepen your meditation
Pagan meditation beads do not need to be used strictly for religious practices. They can also be used to help you enter a deeper state of meditation, or even a trancelike state.
One way to achieve this is by using beads to guide your breathwork. As your fingers touch each bead in the set, take one deep, slow breath in, followed by an equally deep, slow breath out.
This is a wonderful way to build discipline and gain experience in your meditation practice, especially if you are new to meditation or find that you have a difficult time sitting still and emptying your mind.
For many people, the simple act of holding an object and feeling the smooth, round shape of the beads can help with staying grounded and present while meditating.
3. Manifest an intention
Is there a goal you would like to achieve, or an important change you would like to make in your life? Use pagan meditation beads to manifest your intention. The power of manifestation lies in your ability to focus all of your energy and attention on a specific outcome; pagan prayer beads can help you do that.
For example, let’s say you want to enhance your creativity. You can repeat a simple intention such as “I am creative and inspired” as you make your way along the string of beads, focusing all of your energy on your intention. Allow yourself to really feel that creative power flowing through you, along with other positive emotions like joy and gratitude.
4. Honor a deity
Many pagan prayer beads are designed to honor a specific god or goddess by incorporating relevant crystals, colored beads, or symbols. Using these pagan prayer beads in your spiritual practice is a wonderful way to deepen your connection with that deity while showing them respect, honor, and gratitude.
In addition to reciting a specific prayer, you can also simply hold your prayer beads while you pray to your chosen god or goddess, reflect on their qualities and strengths, envision one of their myths or stories, or while you speak to them casually (if that is part of your practice).
Prayer beads can also serve as a beautiful, heartfelt offering to your deities. Adorn your altar with them and keep them there as a symbol of your devotion.
5. Connect with your ancestors
Perhaps honoring deities is not a part of your spiritual practice. There are still many ways to use pagan prayer beads, such as honoring or connecting with your ancestors.
Is there a prayer bead set that reminds you of your ancestral heritage? Placing that set of beads near photos of your deceased relatives is a beautiful way to remember and honor them.
Similarly, you can use pagan prayer beads to honor land spirits and house spirits, known as landvættir and húsvættir in Norse paganism.
6. Celebrate a pagan holiday
There are many, many holidays across different pagans traditions to celebrate, from Midsummer to Saturnalia and from the spring equinox to Samhain. Many pagans keep altars in their homes that they decorate for rituals and seasonal celebrations.
Placing a set of corresponding prayer beads on your altar is a nice way to decorate and stay tuned into the cycles of the natural world. On the holidays themselves, you can use your prayer beads to meditate and reflect on the meaning of the holiday, or to connect with any deities as per your tradition.
7. Enhance your spellwork
Yes, pagan prayer beads can be used in spellwork. Like all tools used in magical workings (candles, athames, crystals, incense, cauldrons) prayer beads can be used to amplify and channel your inner power.
One way to charge your spells and rituals is by repeating your intentions or specific words a certain number of times. A set of beads can help you keep track of spell repetitions and zone into your practice, thereby raising its power.
Ultimately, there is no single right or wrong way to use pagan prayer beads. Whether you use them in rituals or simply love the way they look adorning your altar, meditation beads are a diverse spiritual tool that can be used to benefit your practice in any way that feels right to you.
Do you have a book on Pagan prayer beads that you recommend?
Hello… I did my first full moon prayer (I found it here,And%20strength%2C%20Into%20our%20lives%20this%20night.%20) last night. Pretty much the moment I finished, I felt different. I’m gender fluid, so generally I can recognize the feeling I get when my gender changes. This felt just like that, except I knew I was still a guy. Honestly, it felt like someone, or something, had been listening and was saying hi. Can you help?
I love to work with wire and have just learned how to create rosary chain. Your article helps me to clarify how I wish to apply my new skill, and I thank you for it. As someone who has been playing with the idea of beginning a pagan blog, (I have purchased a domain, but haven’t gotten further yet) I thank you for your beautiful example of what I hope to one day share with the world. Many blessings