Stepping into your power and showing up as your most authentic self isn’t something that happens in a single day, as the result of a single decision.
You have to begin before you are ready.
You have to show up as your future self before you become that version of yourself.
You have to choose again and again to do things that feel scary, uncomfortable, awkward, and difficult.
You have to accept the risk that other people may not approve of the changes they see in you, and that your relationships may change as well — and not always in the ways you’d like.
It’s only by making those changes anyways that you can become the person you know in your heart you are meant to be.
I say this as a reminder to myself as much as to anyone else reading these words.
While witchcraft, paganism, and spirituality may be “trendy” in some circles now, for me, it has always been a part of myself that I felt I had to hide from others.
I was afraid of being judged, rejected, mocked, villainized, and abandoned by the people around me — afraid of being seen as “crazy,” childish, dangerous, or wicked.
This fear caused me to dim my own light, to silence my truth, to stifle my self expression, to hide my passions and interests, and to avoid sharing my magic with others.
It also caused me to doubt my own abilities, experience, and inner wisdom.
This is the essence of the Witch Wound.
Healing this part of myself — my witch wound — has been a lifelong journey, and it is a wound I am still actively working to heal.
My younger self would have never believed that she would one day grow into the confident, empowered witch that I am today.
At the same time, all of my growth can be attributed to her — to that past version of myself who believed so deeply in who she was meant to be that she showed up for herself even when it was scary, awkward, uncomfortable, and hard — even before she felt ready.
That past version of myself who wore the damn dress, who signed up for the workshop, who carved out the time for herself, who spoke her truth, who let her messy and wild self be seen — not always fearlessly, but in spite of the fear.
It is because of her that I now get to live a life where every day is filled with magic and connection.
She reminds me that every choice I make today determines what my future self will look like, and that I can create the future of my dreams by embodying my ideal future self today.
Self Inquiry: What is one action you can take today to show up as your ideal future self?
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